Thursday morning cup of hot tea here as I listen to thunder rumble in the distance. Rain is forecasted for the next 2 days so I will put the garden away and concentrate on some housework and cooking. Thought I would share some more pictures of the gardens. The gooseberries above are swelling now and all the 8 bushes have berries on them now. Yesterday I got all my broccoli and cabbage plants in the boxes. They were the perfect size and ready for their permanent homes in the garden. Planting them right before rain will allow them to acclimate for the next two raiy days and not even wilt. Also got some romaine plants in...
First of all, we are doing a LOT of the things that come naturally to us as vegetable farmers—washing hands, social distancing, and planting all the things. The greenhouse is up and humming, high tunnel planting started, and we are seeding up a storm, because that’s what farmers do. We all need to eat, and our goal is to do our best to keep providing healthy, delicious food to you, our community. But like you, we are watching the news, worried about how Covid-19 might impact our older or immune-compromised family and friends, those with underlying health issues, or the many of us with jobs where you can’t work from home...