In my grandfather's time, fall butchering was vital to survival. And, as an important event, it became a big event. Several neighboring families would...
Thursday morning cup of hot tea here as I listen to thunder rumble in the distance. Rain is forecasted for the next 2 days so I will put the garden away and concentrate on some housework and cooking. Thought I would share some more pictures of the gardens. The gooseberries above are swelling now and all the 8 bushes have berries on them now. Yesterday I got all my broccoli and cabbage plants in the boxes. They were the perfect size and ready for their permanent homes in the garden. Planting them right before rain will allow them to acclimate for the next two raiy days and not even wilt. Also got some romaine plants in...
It’s late February/early March and down here in Alabama that means it is time to plant. Yay! Three cheers for Spring!So, this past weekend, hubs and I loosened up the garden soil and got busy. Not like that! In the garden. Lets just go with we started planting the veggies. Potatoes, onions and bush beans. Tomatoes, squash, eggplant and peppers will go in in another week or two.Anyone else love the sight of a freshly planted garden? Straight rows, new plants and no weeds.We are very fortunate in our growing zone to have abundant rainfall and warm sunny days. Plants tend to thrive and grow very well. All plants. Especially weeds. I’m pretty sure that...