We are being blessed with—-
Amazing Autumn Skies!
They are so incredible it makes a person want to lift up their voice
And SING!!!!
“Life starts all over...
Thursday morning cup of hot tea here as I listen to thunder rumble in the distance. Rain is forecasted for the next 2 days so I will put the garden away and concentrate on some housework and cooking. Thought I would share some more pictures of the gardens. The gooseberries above are swelling now and all the 8 bushes have berries on them now. Yesterday I got all my broccoli and cabbage plants in the boxes. They were the perfect size and ready for their permanent homes in the garden. Planting them right before rain will allow them to acclimate for the next two raiy days and not even wilt. Also got some romaine plants in...
Do you ever have a week that just gets away from you? Ahhhh, well then you will understand when I say that this week passed all too quickly leaving me precious little time to chat with you. I have truly been enjoying these September days - autumn is whispering to me through the misty fogf. Mornings are crisply cold - yesterday in the 40's!Each morning as the horses graze in the front pasture, the school bus passes by - 7:20 AM, sharp!Yesterday I rose early - sleep having eluded me after 3 AM, I headed out before dawn to start morning chores and let the horses out into the pasture.Even the guineas remained in their...